The Mystery
By Natalie Simpson
Chapter One
Where is Wilbur?
“When will it ever be five o’clock?” thought Angie. She had been waiting alone in her house, waiting for the clock to strike five. She was waiting to go to her cousin Livia’s house to find out what happened to Wilbur.
Wilbur was in Oregon with his parents (Angie and Livia’s Aunt Josie and Uncle Kendall) when he disappeared. Everyone Angie asked just said “Wilbur ran away, why is that so special?” The funny thing was that Wilbur was just a baby. He wasn’t even old enough to walk.
It happened eleven years ago and to every one else it was just a tragedy, nothing more. No ever talked about it except for Angie and Livia. Finally the clock struck five. Angie grabbed her backpack and bolted for the door. Livia was waiting when Angie arrived.
They began looking at pictures of Wilbur. One of the pictures was dated the date was 1771! Both the girls were so surprised.
“Is he really that old?” said Livia.
“Well this picture is from 1998 that’s only 11 years ago” said Angie.
Both the girls were puzzled. How could Wilbur live that long, let alone stay a baby his whole life? At dinner Angie asked a very important question. “Was Wilbur adopted?”
Chapter Two
Oregon Adoption Center
“Yes he was adopted” Livia’s mother said. “Aunt Josie and Uncle Kendall adopted him when he wasn’t old enough to walk.”
“Yes but how old was he?” asked Livia?
“The woman that owned the adoption center said that he was more then a hundred years old … but we all think that she was crazy. Her name was JoAnna. She also said one more thing that he only brings unhappiness and doom. But like I said she was crazy!” Livia’s mom finished.
“I think we should find her and ask her some questions” said Angie.
“She’s long gone” Livia’s mom said, “she moved to Oregon years ago.”
“Why did she move to Oregon?” asked Livia.
“Nobody knows.”
Angie and Livia ran upstairs. “I think we should go to Oregon” they both said at the same time.
“How will we get there?” asked Angie.
“Let’s take my dad’s moped. He keeps the keys in it” Livia replied excitedly.
They rode carefully along the back roads avoiding the highways until they made it to the Oregon Adoption Center.
Chapter Three
Finding Wilbur
When they got there, they soon found JoAnna. JoAnna told them about Wilbur. Wilbur was taken by a monster named Ignakac. Ignakac wanted Wilbur because Wilbur was born on the day that legend had foretold Ignakac’s kingdom would be overthrown.
“Is that why Wilbur is so old?” Angie wondered.
“Yes,” I have saved Wilbur from Ignakac twice, once in 1771 and once in 1998. I am Wilbur’s birth mother. I tried to place him for adoption so he wouldn’t get taken. But it didn’t work. Ignakac found him both times. Now I live in Oregon because I believe Ignakac lives in the ocean near here. I need you to help me find him. Ignakac is strong and I can’t do it alone.”
“We’ll help you” the girls quickly replied.
Chapter Four
The girls were in their scuba gear ready to dive into the ocean. JoAnna believed Ignakac was located in a sunken ship. The water was cold! But the girls dived in. They slowly swam toward the point where the GPS said the ship was located.
The ship was guarded by two mermaids at each entrance. The mermaids seemed to be under a spell, staring with blank eyes.
“What should we do?” Angie thought.
JoAnna didn’t need scuba gear she was over 300 years old and could breathe under water. JoAnna started to sing a beautiful lullaby and all the mermaids fell back.
“I see Wilbur!” Livia cried. “He’s in the ship and Ignakac is sleeping. Your lullaby worked on him too. Keep singing!”
JoAnna kept singing. The girls slowly swam towards Wilbur barely daring to breathe. Angie carefully picked him up and slowly carried him out of the ship.
Something amazing began to happen. Wilbur started to grow right before their eyes. He wasn’t a baby anymore. He was a teenager. He was beautiful.
“Let’s go” he whispered. “Keep singing mother, how I have missed your voice. It is the most beautiful sound on earth.”
Ignakac suddenly woke up. JoAnna stopped singing. “You will never take my son again!” JoAnna shouted at Ignakac. “SWIM” Wilbur shouted. The girls swam as fast as they could but Ignakac was hurriedly gaining on them with two electric eels trailing behind him. It was only a matter of time until he caught up.
Racing, the girls finally made it to the surface. Wilbur and JoAnna were right behind them. Ignakac emerged from the water growing smaller and smaller with each step he took on the land until he finally disappeared.
Wilbur explained, “I have spent these many years diminishing the strength of Ignakac with the lullaby my mother taught me. Hearing you sing it again mother gave me the last burst of strength I needed to finally break free from Ignakac. Thank you Angie and Livia for caring enough to find me. Please tell father Kendall and mother Josie my true story. Tell them I am going to stay with my mother. I will now make sure that no other children ever have a fate like mine.”
Angie and Livia waved goodbye and rode the moped back home. When they got there, everyone was still sleeping. They wrote a letter to Aunt Josie and Uncle Kendall telling them the true story just as Wilbur had requested.
In the morning when they woke up they found a beautiful mermaid music box. When they opened it played Wilbur’s lullaby.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
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